
Rapid Growth in Pilgrimage Tourism Between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

During a meeting of the heads of tourism administrations of the SCO member states, Kazakhstan's Minister of Tourism and Sports, Ermek Marzhikpayev, met with Uzbekistan's Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change, Aziz Abdukhakimov, to discuss the flourishing cooperation in tourism between the two countries.

Marzhikpayev highlighted the active development of tourism relations, noting the implementation of joint projects aimed at enhancing cross-border tourism. He stated, “The tourist flow between our countries is growing significantly every year, with pilgrimage tourism being the main component.”

Uzbekistan boasts numerous holy sites related to Islamic culture, many of which are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Cities such as Kokand, Shakhrisabz, and Samarkand are considered global tourist and cultural capitals. The joint “Tabarruk Ziyorat” project is a key initiative that enriches both nations and attracts tourists from around the world.


Marzhikpayev proposed continuing and expanding work in this area, emphasizing the positive impact of joint cross-border projects on tourism growth. He said, “Tabarruk Ziyorat is a unique tourism product that unites not only ancient cities and monuments but also the shared history of the Turkic states. Our countries have many tourist destinations that we could promote.”

He pointed out that the Mangistau region in Kazakhstan has become a dynamically developing tourist destination, attracting travelers with its beautiful nature, resorts, and rich historical mysteries. Marzhikpayev suggested developing a new route connecting the Mangistau region with regions in Uzbekistan, and emphasized the importance of expanding regular direct flights to support this initiative.




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