
President Zhaparov congratulates people of Kyrgyzstan on New Year

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov congratulated the people of Kyrgyzstan on the New Year 2023, being in Batken Oblast of Kyrgyzstan.

In his congratulation message President Zhaparov said that today he wants to congratulate on the upcoming New Year 2023 being in the small homeland of Polot Khan and Moldo Niyaz, Abdykadyr Orozbekov and Iskhak Razzakov.

“In the past year, we all experienced many events together, both joyful and worthy of pride, and sad ones.

Each cold breath of wind from the border resonates deeply in the heart of every Kyrgyzstani.

In a difficult moment, the Kyrgyz people once again showed their unity. Together we can overcome any difficulties that we face on the path of our development.

During this year, we have been shoulder to shoulder, step by step, moving forward, realizing strategic goals and achieving victories. It is daily hard work, but we must not allow anyone or anything to turn us off the intended path. We have been able to devote more resources to improving the well-being of the people than in all previous years.

Everything achieved in 2022 is the result of common work and determination. I am overwhelmed with pride for our people, who are paving the way to a prosperous Kyrgyzstan with their work.

Together we are strong and we are united in the desire to live in a developed, strong state.

I believe that the New Year will increase the well-being of each of our citizens, each family, and we will be able to reach the heights we strive for.

Let everything that we have now become an incentive for new achievements,” he noted.



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