
President Tokayev met with representatives of the Digital Nomads IT community

In the news conveyed by the Akorda press service, President Tokayev held a meeting in New York with the representatives of the Digital Nomads IT community, which brought together 400 Kazakhstanis are working in the world’s leading technology companies abroad.

At the meeting, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, expectations and current global trends in the IT industry in Kazakhstan were discussed.

Kasım Jomart Tokayev said at the meeting, “We are building a future that provides equal and fair opportunities in Kazakhstan. In this way, new opportunities will be possible for young people.”

At the meeting, Head of Strategy and Development Asset Abdualiyev, DCVC Venture Capital Investor and Director Anna Fokina, Google Software Engineer Aray Sabirzhan and Software Manager Alibek Datbaev expressed their views on the IT sector. In addition, they made a series of proposals for the development of the domestic IT sector and increasing the competitiveness with the experience they gained in the companies they worked for.

At the end of the meeting, Kasım Jomart Tokayev conveyed his best wishes to the Digital Nomad representatives and expressed his belief that they will make significant contributions to Kazakhstan’s development and social welfare process.


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