
President Tokayev Congratulates Media Workers

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed his gratitude to media professionals for their challenging work during a ceremony honoring media workers.

“First of all, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Media Workers! The prestige of your profession stems from the role of journalists as champions of truth and justice. Therefore, media professionals are consistently held in high regard,” Tokayev stated.

The President highlighted that both the state and journalists serve the public and significantly influence the country’s life. “Now, as before, national interests are reflected in the national press,” he added.

Tokayev emphasized that the shared goal of the government and the media is to build a Fair Kazakhstan, a nation of equal opportunities for all. He expressed his sincere gratitude to media specialists for their hard work, quoting Alikhan Bokeikhan: “Publishing newspapers and magazines requires great skill.” This, he noted, applies to the entire information sector. “Journalists play a special role in explaining state policy,” the President emphasized.


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