
Over 96,000 Rescued in Kazakhstan Amidst Severe Flooding

Из них 31 640 детей. Такие данные в ходе брифинга Республиканского информационного штаба озвучил старший офицер Комитета по гражданской обороне и воинским частям МЧС РК Сайпаш Ерасыл.

Since the onset of the flood season, over 96,000 individuals have been rescued in Kazakhstan, including 31,640 children. Saipash Erasyl, a senior officer from the Committee for Civil Defense and Military Units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, revealed these statistics during a briefing by the Republican Information Headquarters.

Rescue operations have involved aircraft, saving 2,823 people, among whom 865 were children. Temporary accommodation centers are now housing 7,605 individuals, with 3,474 being children. Additionally, 82,559 farm animals have been relocated to safety. Humanitarian aid totaling 167,935 kg has been distributed to affected regions.

Efforts to manage the crisis include pumping out over 8.5 million m3 of meltwater, deploying 1.3 million bags and 1.1 million tons of inert material, and diverting water from 2,750 residential buildings and 1,816 courtyard areas. Currently, 24,295 individuals and 2,655 units of equipment, including 469 water pumping devices and 139 aquatic rescue units, are engaged in emergency response operations.

As of now, 3,444 private residential buildings and 336 courtyard areas in five regions – Atyrau, Aktobe, Akmola, Kostanay, and North Kazakhstan – remain flooded. Additionally, 105 road erosions, including eight bridges and 97 road surfaces, are being monitored. Furthermore, 69 settlements are currently without transportation links.

Both Republican and operational headquarters are operational, with the Ministry of Emergency Situations urging citizens to exercise extreme caution and adhere strictly to safety protocols during this period of flooding.


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