
Over 90% of voters support overhaul of constitution in Uzbekistan

Over 16.6 million people out of the country’s 19 million citizens listed as voters took part in the referendum

According to preliminary reports, the draft law on the new constitution of Uzbekistan was supported by 90.21 percent of voters in a referendum on April 30.

Chairman of the Republic’s Central Election Commission Zainiddin Nizamkhodzhaev said that 9.35 percent of voters voted against the document.

The turnout for the referendum was 84.54 percent, or 16.67 million citizens included in the voter lists.

The citizens of the country had to answer the only question: “Do you adopt the Constitutional Law “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

In the new version of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, which was approved by the Legislative (lower) chamber of the Oliy Majlis (parliament) and approved by the Senate (upper house of parliament), the number of articles increased from 128 to 155, constitutional norms – from 275 to 434.

In general, the country’s constitution will be updated by 65 percent. The amendments include reducing the number of senators from 100 to 65, extending the mandate of the President of Uzbekistan from five to seven years, banning the death penalty, banning the extradition of a citizen. country to a foreign state.

The current constitution was adopted in 1992, since then the fundamental law of the country has been amended 15 times.


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