Over 18,000 Ethnic Kazakhs Gain Kandas Status in 2024
Since the beginning of 2024, a total of 18,035 ethnic Kazakhs have been granted kandas status, according to Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. This brings the total number of ethnic Kazakhs who have returned to their historical homeland since 1991 to 1.146 million.

In 2024, a total of 18,035 ethnic Kazakhs returned to their ancestral homeland, gaining the status of “Kandas,” a term for ethnic Kazakhs and/or members of their families of Kazakh nationality who have not previously held citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Of those arriving in 2024, 45.4% came from China, 38.9% from Uzbekistan, 6% from Mongolia, 5.8% from Turkmenistan, 2.7% from Russia, and 1.3% from other countries.
As of December 1, 2024, the demographic breakdown of kandas shows that 57.1% are of working age, 33.4% are minors, and 9.5% are retirees. Regarding education levels, 17.5% of working-age ethnic Kazakhs hold higher education degrees, 25% have specialized secondary education, 54.7% possess general secondary education, and 2.8% have no formal education.
Regional Resettlement and Employment
Ethnic Kazakhs have settled across various regions in Kazakhstan. To address regional labor shortages, specific areas, including Akmola, Abai, Kostanay, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan, and North Kazakhstan regions, have been designated for kandas resettlement.
For 2024, a quota of 3,033 individuals was allocated for these labor-shortage regions. By December 1, 2,961 kandas had been relocated to these areas.
To support their resettlement, the government provides various incentives. These include a one-time relocation subsidy of 70 Monthly Calculation Indices (approximately 258,400 KZT) per family member and monthly housing and utility subsidies for one year, ranging from 15 to 30 MCI (55,300 to 110,700 KZT).
This year alone, 2,624 kandas have benefited from these measures, with 794 individuals securing permanent employment.
Institutional Support for Resettlement
In addition to direct support, the government has introduced institutional measures to enhance the efficiency of voluntary resettlement. Employers participating in the relocation of kandas and citizens to labor-shortage regions receive targeted support.
One such measure is the Economic Mobility Certificate, which offers up to 50% of the cost of housing—up to 4.28 million KZT per family—for purchasing, constructing, or covering part of the down payment on a mortgage loan. By December 1, 2024, 2,449 individuals had received these certificates.
Simplified Application Process for Kandas Status
In 2023, Kazakhstan piloted a “one-stop” system for granting kandas status through its embassies. This approach allows ethnic Kazakhs to apply for kandas status, inquire about work opportunities, housing options, and travel plans without entering Kazakhstan. To date, 22,666 applications have been submitted under this streamlined process.