
Over 1,000 Ethnic Kazakhs Granted “Kandas” Status in Kazakhstan in 2024

Since the onset of 2024, a total of 1,306 ethnic Kazakhs have returned to their ancestral homeland and been bestowed with "Kandas" status as of February 1, 2024.

According to reports from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this adds to the influx of 1,129,600 ethnic Kazakhs who have returned to the country since its independence in 1991.

The majority of those receiving Kandas status this year (48.9%) hail from China, followed by 29.6% from Uzbekistan, 8.3% from Mongolia, 4.4% from Russia, 7.3% from Turkmenistan, and 1.5% from various other countries.

As of February 1, 2024, statistics reveal that 56.2% of ethnic migrants are of working age, while minors constitute 33.6%, and pensioners make up 10.2%.

In terms of educational background among working-age Kandas, 15% hold higher education qualifications, 20.2% have completed secondary specialized education, 54.6% possess general secondary education, and 10.2% lack formal education.

The resettlement of arriving ethnic Kazakhs has been dispersed across various regions within the republic, with particular attention given to labor-scarce areas such as Akmola, Abay, Kostanay, Pavlodar, as well as East and North Kazakhstan regions.

For the year 2024, a quota of 2,433 individuals has been allocated for resettlement in these regions, with 332 Kandas having been resettled as of February 1, 2024.

To facilitate their integration, Kandas settling in designated regions receive state support measures, including a relocation subsidy and assistance with housing rental and utility payments.

Moreover, efforts have been made to bolster voluntary resettlement by providing institutional support to employers involved in relocating citizens to northern regions. An economic mobility certificate has been introduced to aid in housing-related expenses for resettled families.

Since 2023, the process of assigning Kandas status has been streamlined through a pilot initiative, enabling applications to be processed via Kazakh embassies. This initiative has seen 6,203 applications from ethnic Kazakhs thus far, allowing for the resolution of various resettlement-related matters without the need for physical presence in the country.


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