
OTS countries are in solidarity with Türkiye on the issue of disaster zone recovery

The final declaration of the extraordinary OTS summit in Ankara was adopted

The member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) are in solidarity with Türkiye on the issue of rebuilding the country against the backdrop of the consequences of two devastating earthquakes on February 6, Turanews.kz reports citing Anadolu Agency.

This was stated in the final declaration of the extraordinary OTS summit in the capital city of Türkiye.

The document was signed by President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov and President of the current chairman of the organization – Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The statement expresses sorrow at the numerous loss of life and destruction associated with the February disaster in the south and southeast of Türkiye.

Gratitude is expressed to the member states and observers of the OTS, as well as to all other countries and international structures, in connection with the immediate assistance provided to Türkiye amid the disaster.

The importance of joint steps and coordination of efforts in the OTS zone and the world as a whole on the issues of regulating steps to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters is emphasized.

The significance of the implementation of the goals provided for by the concept of “Turkic World 2040” is indicated.

Attention is drawn to the need for the full use of the potential of the OTS in promoting cooperation at the regional and global levels.

A high assessment was given to the efforts of Uzbekistan, as the current chairman of the OTS, on the issue of the successful holding of the OTS summit in Samarkand which became a turning point in the further unity of the Turkic world.

The Declaration also points to the inadmissibility of crimes motivated by hostility, including attacks on Muslims and the values of Islam, which have taken place in recent years in a number of countries. The OTS leaders resolutely condemned manifestations of Islamophobia, stressed the importance of preserving and enhancing the atmosphere of peaceful coexistence of representatives of all nationalities and religions.

The heads of the Turkic-speaking states instructed the relevant structures to prepare a draft agreement on the creation of the Civil Defense Mechanism of the OTS for the 10th summit of the organization in Turkistan city.

The document welcomes the leadership skills and contribution of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to ensure the unity, solidarity, security and prosperity of the Turkic world.

A separate paragraph condemns the armed attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, calls for a prompt and comprehensive investigation of the bloody incident, bringing to justice all those involved.

The summit on the topic “Disaster Management and Humanitarian Aid” was initiated by Azerbaijan against the backdrop of the devastating February earthquakes in Türkiye.

The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States was established in 2009.

In November 2021, at the summit in Istanbul, the organization was named the Organization of Turkic States.

The UTG includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Hungary participate as observers.

Агентсво Анадолу


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