
Organization of Turkic States Addresses Diaspora Matters in Bishkek Meeting

Başkent Bişkek'te düzenlenen toplantıda, Türk diasporalarının potansiyelinin güçlendirilmesi ve iş birliğinin geliştirilmesi konuları görüşüldü.

On November 22, 2023, the fifth gathering of ministers and heads of institutions responsible for diaspora affairs from member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) took place in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Labor, Social Security, and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic orchestrated the event, TuraNews.kz reports citing the ministry’s press service.

The meeting brought together representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Hungary, serving as an observer country. The UTC Secretariat joined discussions on matters related to diaspora activities and its role in enhancing the state’s image.

Gulnara Baatyrova, the Minister of Labor, Social Security, and Migration, acknowledged the Kyrgyz diaspora’s substantial contribution to the country’s development.

“The role of the Kyrgyz diaspora is undeniable and is directed toward preserving the national identity, ethnic and spiritual essence of the Kyrgyz people, as well as fostering economic and cultural connections with their historical homeland. President of the Kyrgyz Republic S.N. Zhaparov places great emphasis on the safety of migrant workers and collaboration with the Kyrgyz diaspora. The republic has a Council for Relations with Compatriots, including representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora from various countries,” noted Baatyrova.

She highlighted the national initiative “Meken Kart,” designed to offer compatriots access to education, healthcare, and employment assistance. The platforms migrant.kg and the Migrant’s Handbook app provide the latest information on safe migration and legal employment abroad.


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