
Opportunity for Free Higher Education: Kazakh Citizens Granted Study Programs in China and Hungary

Kazakhstanis will be able to get higher education for free in the leading universities of China and Hungary.

Citizens of Kazakhstan now have the opportunity to pursue higher education at no cost in prestigious universities in China and Hungary.

This initiative stems from intergovernmental agreements facilitated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, as well as the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. These agreements pave the way for Kazakh students to enroll in prominent universities in these countries.

Under Hungary’s “Stipendium Hungaricum” program for the academic year 2024-2025, 250 grants are made available. This includes 110 spots for bachelor’s degrees, 90 for master’s degrees, 30 for combined bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and 20 for doctoral degrees.

Similarly, the Chinese government is offering 155 grants for various study programs, encompassing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

For comprehensive details and instructions on the application process, interested individuals can visit the website of JSC “Center of International Programs” at bolashak.gov.kz.



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