
National Statistical Committee: The male population of Kyrgyzstan is 49.6%

In the total population of the Kyrgyz Republic for a long period of time, the proportion of men still remains unchanged – 49.6%, reports citing the National Statistical Committee of the country.

According to Agency’s data, in Kyrgyzstan the number of men at the beginning of 2022 amounted to 3.3 million people (excluding 2022 census data).

Two-thirds of the male population of the republic live in rural areas. One out of every six people lives in the capital, Bishkek city.

None of the spheres of activity is complete without male participation. The employment rate of men of working age is quite high at 76%. The average age of employed men is 37 years. Every sixth man employed in the country’s economy is aged 25-29.

Predominantly “male” are such activities as construction, transport activities and storage of goods, provision (supply) of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, mining.

In 2021, about 51,000 men got married. Men prefer to create families at the age of 20-29 years. At the same time, 45.7 thousand men created families for the first time. Every second man who entered into a marriage was aged 25–29, while every third was aged 20–24.

The average age at first marriage for men in 2021 was 27.3 years, at remarriage – 39.3 years.



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