
Mongolia Reports Significant Decline in Livestock Numbers for 2023

В Монголии на конец 2023 года поголовье крупного и мелкого рогатого скота сократилось на 9,1% по сравнению с 2022 годом и составило 64,7 млн голов.

Mongolia has experienced a notable decrease in livestock numbers in the year 2023, according to a report submitted to the National Statistical Committee (NSK), reports citing Montsame.

The NSK reveals that, in comparison to the previous year, the overall livestock count in Mongolia has dropped to 6.4 million heads, representing a 9.1% decrease. Specifically, there has been a reduction of 3.3 million sheep (10.2%), 3 million goats (10.7%), 164.3 thousand cows (2.9%), 8.6 thousand horses (0.2%), and 3.4 thousand camels (0.7%).

Preliminary results from the livestock census at the close of 2023 indicate a total livestock population of 64.7 million heads. The breakdown includes 29.4 million sheep, 24.6 million goats, 5.3 million cows, 4.8 million horses, and 473.9 thousand camels.

Extreme weather conditions in Mongolia during 2023, as reported by Xinhua, played a significant role in the substantial livestock losses, particularly among sheep and goats. The NSK notes that, at the conclusion of 2022, the livestock count was at 71.1 million heads.







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