
M. Auezov University Branch Set to Launch in Tashkent

A branch of the non-commercial joint-stock company ‘Auezov South Kazakhstan State University’ will be established in the city of Shyrshyk in the Tashkent region, TuraNews.kz citing the UzA agency.

In connection with this, a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers has been published. According to it, there are plans to modernize the system of training and retraining specialists and scientific personnel, based on the principles of the main directions of the industry: training highly qualified professionals for various sectors of the economy, ensuring the continuity and consistency of education, science, and production, as well as integrating with prestigious global education and science centers.

Considering the demand for personnel, including the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the university branch will provide training, retraining, and qualification improvement for specialists at all levels in the directions of bachelor’s and master’s education.

In the resolution project, the university acts as a structural unit with legal status; the admission of applicants and certification of branch graduates are carried out in accordance with established requirements, procedures, and timelines, and it includes the issuance of a university diploma recognized as a document of higher education in both Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.


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