Kyrgyzstan Held Local Council Elections Across the Country
Kyrgyzstan conducted elections for 33 city council deputies and 231 rural council deputies on November 17. Voting took place at 2,437 polling stations nationwide, with over 4.1 million eligible voters. For the first time, 10 remote voting stations were established, allowing more than 9,000 citizens to participate remotely.

In total, Kyrgyz citizens elected 993 deputies to city councils and 5,391 deputies to rural councils. The elections for city councils saw participation from 39 political parties, which collectively nominated 4,822 candidates.
According to preliminary data from the Central Election Commission, voter turnout was 27.83%. Out of 4,135,039 registered voters, 1,150,931 cast their ballots. Turnout for city council elections was 24.25% (392,844 voters), while rural council elections saw a higher turnout of 30.15% (758,087 voters).
Bishkek City Council Election Results
Preliminary results from automatic ballot counting for the Bishkek City Council elections show the following distribution:
- Zhany Kuch – New Force Party: 29.32% (35,924 votes)
- Emgek Party: 21.94% (26,877 votes)
- Adilet Party: 15.13% (18,536 votes)
- Yntymak Party: 14.05% (17,209 votes)
- El Umutu Party: 11.06% (13,550 votes)
- Uluu Zhurt Party: 1.34% (1,638 votes)
- “Against All” Option: 7.14% (8,746 votes)
The electoral threshold for parties to enter city councils was reduced from 7% to 5%. However, the Social Democrats Party was disqualified from participating in the elections following a decision by the Bishkek Territorial Electoral Commission.