
Kyrgyzstan Considers Introducing Fines for Slander and Insults in Media

The deputies of the Zhogorku Kenesh have passed the bill "On Amendments to the Code of the Kyrgyz Republic on Offenses" in its first reading, proposing significant fines for slander and insults in the media and online.

Under the draft law, individuals found guilty of insults or slander in media outlets and on websites could face fines of 1,000 calculated indicators (approximately 100,000 soms), while legal entities could be fined 2,000 calculated indicators (around 200,000 soms). Offense cases would be handled by an authorized body in the mass media sector.

During the discussion, Deputy Dastan Bekeshev criticized the fines as excessively high and urged his colleagues to vote against the bill. MP Elvira Surbaldieva echoed his concerns, arguing that the proposed fines do not align with the income levels of the population. Additionally, MP Zhanarbek Akayev emphasized that judicial authorities should assess violations rather than the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy.

In contrast, MP Mirgul Temirbaeva supported the bill’s concept, highlighting the necessity of developing effective implementation mechanisms. Her colleague Kamila Talieva stressed the importance of freedom of speech, pointing out that unfounded slander can severely damage the dignity and reputation of individuals.

Out of 80 registered MPs, 63 supported the document, while 6 voted against it.



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