
Kyrgyzstan braces for power outages this winter

The Kyrgyz Republic is facing an electricity shortage this winter, according to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov, reports.

Japarov said that the shortage is due to a decrease in water levels in rivers caused by the ongoing low-water cycle. He also said that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will not be able to transmit electricity through transit this winter due to a lack of capacity.

To address the shortage, the government is calling on citizens to save energy and be patient. The government is also working to build new hydroelectric power stations, which Japarov said will help the country become an exporting country.

In his address to the Kyrgyz people, Japarov said, “We are now importing electricity from Russia and Turkmenistan through our neighbors. However, this winter Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will not be able to transmit electricity through transit due to a lack of capacity. They don’t have enough themselves. Therefore, dear compatriots, I hope you will understand us, the current government, and start saving electricity from now on.”

Japarov also said that the government is working hard to solve the problem of the electricity shortage. “We, the powers that be, don’t just sit around doing nothing. We work hard day and night to solve and control the construction of hydroelectric dams. If God gives strength, then everything will be fine. All you need is patience. Let’s get ready for winter!”

The government has set a goal of completing the construction of 50 small and medium-sized hydroelectric power stations by 2025. The government is also planning to build the Kambar-Ata hydroelectric power station, which is expected to be completed by 2030.


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