
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Advance Border Delimitation Talks

In a continuation of their efforts to delineate and demarcate the shared border, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan held another round of discussions. From May 5 to 11, topographic working groups and legal teams from both nations convened in Buston, Sughd region of Tajikistan.

During the meeting, the delegations exchanged proposals regarding the description of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border line in remaining sections. They agreed to continue this collaborative effort at the next meeting, scheduled to take place on Kyrgyz territory. The press service of the Kyrgyz government reported that the discussions transpired in a cordial atmosphere marked by friendship and mutual understanding.

The Kyrgyz-Tajik border spans approximately 970 kilometers, and negotiations have been ongoing for several months to finalize its alignment. Both countries have been actively engaged in talks, alternately hosting discussions on each other’s territory. Since October of the previous year, the governments have successfully reached agreements on over 240 kilometers of the border.




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