
Kyrgyz President, Uzbek PM meet in Bishkek to discuss further cooperation

President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan met with Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov of Uzbekistan in Bishkek on Tuesday to discuss the further expansion and deepening of cooperation between the two countries, Turanews.kz reports.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 10th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The two leaders exchanged views on a wide range of issues, including political, trade, economic, cultural, and humanitarian cooperation.

President Japarov noted that unprecedented positive changes had taken place in Kyrgyz-Uzbek relations in almost all areas of bilateral cooperation in recent years. He emphasized the exceptional and important role of President Mirziyoyev in these joint achievements.

President Japarov also expressed satisfaction with the progressive growth observed in recent years in mutual trade between the two countries. He expressed confidence that the issues discussed today and the agreements reached will be fully implemented at the level of the governments of the two countries.

Prime Minister Aripov conveyed warm greetings from President Mirziyoyev to President Japarov. He noted that President Japarov was one of the first to congratulate President Mirziyoyev on his successful victory in the presidential election. This is another evidence of the high level of relations between the two countries and the firm support of fraternal Kyrgyzstan.

Prime Minister Aripov also focused on the historic decisions made during the state visit of President Mirziyoyev to Kyrgyzstan in December 2021. In particular, the completion of the process of delimitation and demarcation of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek state border was a major achievement.

The two leaders agreed to continue working together to further expand and deepen cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in all areas of mutual interest.



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