
Kyrgyz Ministry Warns of Terror Recruitment Targeting Citizens in Russia

Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Labor issued a cautionary alert, urging Kyrgyz citizens residing or temporarily staying in Russia to remain vigilant against potential recruitment attempts for terrorist activities.

The ministry emphasized the importance of not falling prey to online recruitment tactics, avoiding seeking employment through social networks, refraining from participating in suspicious activities, and maintaining vigilant supervision over minors.

According to the Ministry of Labor, Social Security, and Migration of Kyrgyzstan, recruiters are actively using social networks and popular instant messaging platforms like Telegram to target Kyrgyz citizens, including minors, for involvement in terrorist acts within Russian territory. The recruitment efforts primarily target vulnerable individuals, such as those experiencing depression or facing difficulties, and often involve analyzing online correspondence to identify potential victims based on religious, cultural, national, and other social characteristics.

The ministry’s representative office in the Russian Federation highlighted the recruitment methods, emphasizing the reliance on dating sites and the identification of vulnerable individuals. In response to these threats, the representative office urged Kyrgyz citizens to exercise caution and refrain from engaging with suspicious individuals or activities facilitated through online platforms.






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