
Kyrgyz Deputy Tazabek Ikramov Expresses Concerns Over Stealthy Flag Change, Suggests Transparency

“The introduction of the new flag necessitated a ceremonial raising, complete with a guard of honor, a solemn anthem, and the presence of the Secretary of State,” highlighted Zhogorku Kenesh deputy Tazabek Ikramov in a Facebook post, reports citing

Ikramov suggested that the Secretary of State utilize the occasion, involving the media, to elucidate the reasons behind the flag correction and specify the nature of the amendments. He emphasized the complexity of the flag, considering it an entire ideology. Notably, discrepancies in the proposed flag version in the Legal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (LCD) compared to Wikipedia, along with variations in color, may fuel public discontent.

Expressing concern over the situation, the People’s Deputy urged the urgent establishment of a state commission led by the president, with the aim of holding accountable those responsible for the discrepancies. He concluded that without swift action, societal discontent would persist and potentially escalate.



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