
Kazakhstanis Among Top 10 Buyers of Turkish Real Estate

In May 2024, foreign citizens purchased a total of 2,064 real estate properties in Türkiye, with Kazakhstan ranking sixth among the top buyers, according to a report by Kazinform.

The Turkish Institute of Statistics revealed that sales of real estate to foreigners in May decreased by 34.8% compared to the same month last year, accounting for 1.9% of all real estate sales. The most popular provinces for foreign buyers were Antalya with 797 sales, Istanbul with 668, and Mersin with 164.

The largest number of sales were made to citizens of Russia (437 properties), Iran (207), and Ukraine (171). Kazakhstanis purchased 95 properties, securing their position in the top 10 buyers list.

Overall, real estate sales in Türkiye for May 2024 were down by 2.4% from the previous year, totaling 110,588 properties. The provinces with the highest number of sales were Istanbul (18,814), Ankara (9,861), and Antalya (6,306).


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