
Kazakhstan Takes Steps to Address Transboundary Water Issues Under International Convention

the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in Kazakhstan aims to tackle the challenge of shared use of waters from transboundary rivers

This initiative falls under the umbrella of the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, a global agreement that Kazakhstan joined in 2024.

The convention serves as a pivotal international document, ensuring the equitable distribution of water from transboundary rivers and regulating its utilization. By becoming a party to the convention, Kazakhstan seeks to establish mechanisms for the fair resolution of potential disputes regarding water allocation and foster interstate collaboration for the sustainable development of water resources, while carefully considering the interests of all involved parties.

As outlined by the convention, nations utilizing an international watercourse on their territory are obligated to implement measures preventing harm to other states. Furthermore, the convention promotes the regular sharing of available data on water flow, water quality, and associated forecasts among participating nations. Additionally, countries sharing the watercourse engage in consultations and negotiations to assess the potential impacts of planned activities on these international watercourses, fostering cooperative and responsible water management.



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