
Kazakhstan muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha

On June 28, Kazakhstan will celebrate Kurban Ait – the Islamic holiday of the end of the Hajj, celebrated 70 days after the Eid al-Fitr holiday, in memory of the sacrifice of Ibrahim, who is considered a prophet by Muslims, Turanews.kz reports.


On the holiday of Eid al-Adha, Muslims must wear clean and festive clothes. They say the festive takbir, which should be repeated during the morning walk to the mosque.

A festive prayer is performed in the mosque, after which a sermon-khutba is read. It usually begins with the glorification of Allah and Muhammad, then explains the origin of the Hajj and the meaning of the rite of sacrifice.

The cost of sheep on Kurban Ait

Livestock breeding developed in Kazakhstan makes it possible for all residents to purchase a sheep for the holiday. The price for one ram fluctuates from 35 to 90 thousand tenge ($80-200). The cost may depend on the age, place of birth, size and breed of the animal.


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