
Kazakhstan cynologists bring national breed “Tazy” to World Dog Show

A delegation of cynologists from Kazakhstan, together with their pets – dogs of the national breed Tazy – are participating in a series of competitions under the auspices of the International Cynological Federation (FCI) in Switzerland, Turanews.kz reports.

The team traveled by minibus across the borders of 12 countries (almost 8 thousand kilometers) to reach Geneva, where they will take part in the main event of the year for all cynologists – the world championship “World dog show-2023”.

This year, the FCI also organized a competition for junior handling (junior handling), in which there are two representatives from Kazakhstan among more than 100 participants.

The young cynologists are 13-year-old Valeria Vasilchenko (Astana) with a Tazy dog named Tumar and 14-year-old Sofia Kapustina (Almaty) with a Labrador.

Both girls have been participating in national and international dog shows since they were young, and have won a number of awards from national and foreign experts.

Valeria’s pet Tumar (4 years old) has already earned the CAC title at the Swiss Grand Prix in her category, and Sofia’s dog Vangeliya (9 years old) has also earned the CAC title. This means that both dogs have become candidates for national champions, i.e. Swiss Champions.

At the main tournament “World dog show-2023” (taking into account already received CAC titles) Kazakh Tazy have the opportunity to win the main titles of the exhibition: “World Cup Champion in Geneva 2023” and “Champion among veterans of the World Cup in Geneva 2023”.

Sofia Kapustina will be among 32 young handlers of the world on August 27 for a place in the top three. Valeria Vasilchenko also has good chances to compete for the right to reach the finals of the strongest.

The World Dog Show-2023 is the largest dog show in the world, with more than 20,000 dogs from around the world participating. Representatives of 200 dog breeds are evaluated by about 150 international judges.


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