
Kazakhstan Celebrates Inaugural National Press Day

Kazakhstan marks a significant milestone today as it celebrates National Press Day for the first time on February 2.

The historical significance of this date traces back to February 2, 1913, when the inaugural edition of the newspaper “Kazak” was published. This marked the inception of professional journalism in the country, featuring contributions from prominent figures of the Kazakh intelligentsia such as Akhmet Baitursynov, Alikhan Bukeikhanov, and Myrzhakyp Dulatov.



In an era dominated by digital platforms, the enduring relevance and demand for printed press persist. The printed press continues to embody the principles of quality analytics, maintaining a distinctive style, and upholding the rich traditions of journalism.

On this momentous occasion, heartfelt congratulations are extended to all newspaper professionals, acknowledging their dedication and contributions.

Best wishes are sent for continued creative success and new achievements as they play a crucial role in shaping the journalistic landscape of Kazakhstan. Happy National Press Day!





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