
Kazakhstan Announces Average Pension Amounts

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population (MLSP) of Kazakhstan released new information on May 21, 2024, regarding the number of pensioners in the country and the average pension they receive.

According to the MLSP, since the beginning of the year, pensions totaling 1 trillion 237.2 billion tenge have been disbursed from the national budget. This includes:

  • Basic pensions amounting to 389.2 billion tenge
  • Joint pensions totaling 848 billion tenge

As of May 1, 2024, there are 2.372 million pensioners in Kazakhstan. The average total pension as of that date is 132,399 tenge. This average consists of an 89,729 tenge joint pension and a 42,670 tenge basic pension.

The Ministry explained that since July 1, 2018, the basic state pension is calculated individually for each recipient based on their participation in the pension system. This includes service years accumulated in the solidarity system before January 1, 1998, as well as periods for which mandatory pension contributions (CPC) were made.

For those with 10 years or less of participation in the pension system, the basic pension is 65% of the subsistence minimum. For each additional year beyond 10 years, the pension increases by 2%. Therefore, a person with 20 years of participation receives 85% of the subsistence level, and those with 30 or more years receive the maximum of 105%.

Regular and complete payment of mandatory pension contributions results in a higher basic pension upon retirement.

The size of old-age pension payments is based on the length of service as of January 1, 1998 (with a minimum of six months required) and the average monthly income earned during the pre-retirement period.

As of April 1, 2024, the number of pensioners was 2.364 million, and the average total pension was 132,595 tenge, with the joint pension at 89,901 tenge and the basic pension at 42,694 tenge.



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