
Kazakh Steppe Melodies Resonate in the Czech Republic

On May 20, the city of Brno, in the heart of the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic, hosted a captivating concert by the Ural ethno-folklore ensemble "Arnau" as part of the Day of Kazakh Culture.

The event, held on Freedom Square in Brno’s historic center, was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Czech Republic. The Kazakh diaspora organization “Qazaq Nomad” and the Brno-Strzed district municipality also supported the event.

The concert attracted a diverse audience, including city officials, residents, visitors, and members of the local Kazakh diaspora. The Arnau ensemble performed traditional Kazakh pieces, featuring kuis by renowned composers like Kurmangazy, Dauletkerei, Kazangap, and N. Tlendiev, as well as traditional songs (zhyr-terme) and folk dances.

Petr Štika, Secretary of the Brno-Strzed District Municipality, expressed his gratitude to the ensemble after the performance, praising their outstanding artistry. He emphasized that such cultural events foster mutual understanding and enrich both cultures.

The concert was a vibrant and memorable cultural highlight for the Czech region. The Arnau ensemble’s performance received enthusiastic applause and admiration from the Czech audience, showcasing the beauty and richness of Kazakh cultural heritage.


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