Kanysha Satpaeva’s Book “Kanyshname” Presented in Istanbul
As part of the 125th anniversary celebration of the birth of Kanysh Satpaev, a renowned doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, academician, and the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, the book "Kanyshname" by Aspanbek Shugataem was presented.

The event took place at the Istanbul Center of Culture and Art and featured a panel discussion on Satpaev’s life and scientific contributions. During the discussion, experts in literature highlighted Satpaev’s creative personality and his impact on readers through his artistic vision and understanding of the Universe.
At the conclusion of the event, Sanjar Mulazimoglu, head of the department for administrative, financial, and legal issues of TURKSOY, awarded Ercanu Uaisu, president of the “World Kazakh Community,” the certificate of “Honorary Consultant to the General Secretary of TURKSOY.”

The meeting concluded with brief speeches by Abdurrahman Cetin and Mansur Teiji, two elders of the Kazakh diaspora in Türkiye, who spoke about the development of cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Türkiye.