
Japan demands China lift ban on Japanese seafood

Japan has demanded that China lift its complete ban on Japanese seafood, which was imposed after Japan began discharging treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea, reports.

The Japanese government has said that the wastewater has been treated to remove radioactive contaminants and is safe for human consumption. It has also said that it is monitoring the water quality in the area around the plant and that the levels of radioactivity are below the legal limit.

China has not yet responded to Japan’s demand. However, it has said that it is concerned about the safety of the wastewater and that it wants to conduct its own independent assessment.

The ban on Japanese seafood is a major blow to the Japanese fishing industry. Japan exports about $600 million worth of seafood to China each year.

The dispute over the wastewater discharge is the latest in a series of tensions between Japan and China. The two countries have been at odds over a number of issues, including the ownership of the Senkaku Islands and China’s growing military power.

The Japanese government is hoping that the WTO will intervene in the dispute and force China to lift the ban on Japanese seafood. However, it is unclear whether the WTO will take action.


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