
“Investor Secured for Construction of Central Asia International Industrial Cooperation Center”

This was announced in the Government at a meeting of the operational working group on the development of cross-border hubs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin, the press service of Primeminister of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

Following a competition organized by the Akimat of the Turkestan region on February 7, 2024, TCL Gr. LLP emerged as the primary investor for the project. Procedures are underway to establish a legal entity involving the investor and the akimat of the Turkestan region to facilitate the transfer of the industrial zone for management.

During the meeting, significant progress was highlighted in advancing the project for the construction of a hub on the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border. Discussions held on February 15, 2024, in the Syrdarya region focused on expediting the establishment of the Central Asia International Center of Culture, infrastructure development plans, and hub utilization. The investor, in collaboration with the akimat of the Turkestan region, formulated a concept for an industrial cooperation center, with construction scheduled to commence this year. The ICPC will be situated in the border area near the international checkpoints “Atameken” in Kazakhstan and “Gulistan” in Uzbekistan.


Additionally, Kazakh TCL Gr. LLP signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Uzbek company Global Textile, marking the first investment project of the Center of International Cross-border Cooperation (CICC) aimed at producing finished textile products. Subsequent to the meeting, deputy akims from neighboring regions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan endorsed a roadmap for expediting the establishment of the industrial cooperation center.

Considerable attention was devoted to the progress of the Caspian hub, particularly addressing challenges encountered during dredging operations at the port of Kuryk, where the Sarzha multifunctional marine terminal is under construction. These measures are imperative to ensure safe navigation in inland waters and the development of new berths, directly impacting the economic efficiency of maritime shipping and Kazakhstan’s export-import and transit potential. Meeting participants resolved to accelerate all requisite procedures to expedite dredging work.

Furthermore, updates on the implementation of other cross-border hubs, including the Eurasia Central Transport Center, the Alatau ITLC, the Khorgos hub, and the Kolzhat dry port, were presented during the operational headquarters meeting.



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