
International presentation of the memorial complex in honor of Kutlug Khagan took place in Bishkek

On 4th of November the International Turkic Academy held in Bishkek a presentation of a memorial complex and a written monument in honor of Kutlug Khagan, discovered as a result of a joint Nomgon expedition with Mongolia.

The Acting President of the International Turkic Academy Fuzuli Majidli, the ex-speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan – the member of the Council of Elders of the OTS Medetkan Sherimkulov, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kyrgyz Republic Latif Gandilov, the member of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Javanshir Feyziyev, the Expert of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic ShaazadaTumenbaev, the Counsellor – Minister of the Embassy of Kazakhstan to the Kyrgyz Republic Askhat Syzdykov, the Rector of the Zh.Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University Tolobek Abdrakhmanov, the Director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology named after B.Dzhamgerchinov Ablabek Asankanov, the famous Kyrgyz archaeologist Kubatbek Tabaldyev, the experts of the Turkic Academy Napil Bazylkhan and Nurdin Useev, as well as statesmen and public figures, intellectuals and scientists participated in this event, which was held at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The presentation ceremony began with an exhibition of photographs of archaeological excavations in the complex in honor of Kutlug Khagan and historical artifacts found in it. The conference was moderated by Alabek Asankanov – the Director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology named by B.Dzhamgerchinov.

Speaking at the opening of the event, statesman and public figure M.Sherimkulov said that such important findings would contribute to the development of Turkic studies and strengthen the unity of the Turkic countries.

In turn, the Acting President of the Academy F. Majidli informed about the work of the Turkic Academy in Mongolia and spoke about the complex, dedicated to Kutlug Khagan, which was discovered this year on the Nomgon plain.

Further, during the event, the expert of the Turkic Academy Napil Bazylkhan informed in detail about this complex and about the ancient Turkic written monument found there.

The guests who took part in the event spoke and spoke about the importance of the Kutlug-Kagan complex, discovered by the Nomgon expedition, noting the significance of this event for world Turkic studies. They highly appreciated the merits of the organization, noting that the discovery made is the result of many years of scientific work. An in-depth study of the ancient Turkic, Sogdian and Brahmi inscriptions found in the complex opens up new pages of Turkic history.

At the end of the conference, the state and public figure M.Sherimkulov was awarded the Gold Medal of the Turkic Academy and the well-known Kyrgyz archaeologist K.Tabaldyev was awarded the Wilhelm Thomsen Medal.

As an reminder, A memorial complex and an inscription dedicated to Elteris Kutlug Khagan were found as a result of a scientific archaeological expedition in the Arkhangay aimag of Mongolia, on the Nomgon plain jointly conducted by the International Turkic Academy and the Institute of Archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Elteris Kutlug Khagan was the father-in-law of the famous ruler of the Kyrgyz Khaganate Barsbek Khagan.



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