
In Turkmenistan, 33 children succumbed to influenza, with many suffering from congenital illnesses.

Turkmenistan has witnessed a tragic toll due to the flu outbreak, resulting in the loss of 33 children, the majority of whom were afflicted with congenital heart and respiratory ailments

This information surfaced during meetings of leading medical professionals convened by regional health departments from January 15 to 20, TuraNews.kz reports citing “hronikatm.com”.

The most affected age group was children between 5 and 7 years old. While the flu epidemic has now receded, hospitals previously faced overcrowding, prompting authorities to implement restrictions on admitting patients from rural areas to urban hospitals. To accommodate the influx of flu patients, hospitals installed plastic partitions in intensive care and therapy units.

Discussions with medical institution leaders underscored the scarcity of medicines and medical equipment revealed by the epidemic. Thankfully, this shortfall was alleviated through generous assistance from Uzbekistan, which dispatched a substantial shipment of medications.

Drawing from this experience, authorities resolved to establish 1-2 fully equipped resuscitation rooms in each hospital department.



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