
In Kyrgyzstan, Inflation Reaches 1% Since the Start of the Year

Kyrgyzstan has experienced a 1% increase in consumer prices and tariffs in January-February of this year compared to December 2023.

According to the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, prices for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products rose by 1.6%, while food products and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 1%, and tariffs for services provided to the population surged by 2.6%. However, prices for non-food products decreased by 0.3%.

The rise in consumer prices and tariffs was observed across all regions of the republic, except for the Chui and Jalal-Abad regions, where decreases of 0.5% and 0.2% were recorded, respectively. Notably, the maximum increase in prices of 1.5% in Bishkek was attributed to the significant surge in tariffs for services provided to the population, exceeding those of other regions by 4%.

Meanwhile, in January 2024, the volume of Kyrgyzstan’s foreign and mutual trade in goods reached $1.2 billion, marking a 36.8% increase compared to January 2023. Exports soared by 46.6%, while imports also saw a notable rise of 35.1%. However, the volume of mutual trade with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states decreased by 4%, amounting to $278.3 million. Notably, the majority of the republic’s mutual trade during this period was with Russia, accounting for 70%, followed by Kazakhstan at 27.6%.



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