
Horse Meat: Benefits and Cautions for Consumption

An interview with immunologist Elena Paretskaya for the "Doctorpiter" portal sheds light on the significance of regularly incorporating horse meat into one's diet and its actual beneficial properties.

According to the expert, horse meat is characterized by a high protein content and low fat content, facilitating the rapid absorption of proteins by the body.

Furthermore, horse meat is a source of various minerals and trace elements, such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, as well as vitamins from the B, K, PP, A, and E groups. B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, while vitamins E and A act as antioxidants, vitamin K helps prevent blood clotting, and iron is crucial for preventing anemia. Magnesium and potassium help maintain normal blood pressure and eliminate excess fluid from tissues.

Regular consumption of horse meat contributes to lowering cholesterol levels and stimulating metabolic processes. Thanks to its low calorie content – only 215 kcal per 100 grams of the product, it can be included in the diet for weight loss.

According to the doctor, consuming horse meat strengthens the immune system, improves bone and dental health. However, individuals with digestive system issues should temporarily abstain from consuming it during acute ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and colitis to avoid overloading the body. It is also advisable to avoid consuming horse meat during the acute phase of a stroke or heart attack.





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