
Heads of Human Resource Management Bodies from Turkic States Convene to Enhance Civil Service

Yesterday, in Astana the third meeting of heads of authorized bodies responsible for human resource management among member states of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) took place. This event, organized by the Agency for Civil Service Affairs, coincided with the celebration of civil servants' professional holiday on June 23.

The primary objective of the meeting was to facilitate the exchange of expertise and address key challenges in human resource management within the civil services of participating OTS countries.

The gathering was attended by notable figures including Darkhan Zhazykbay, Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs; Kubanychbek Omuraliev, Secretary General of OTS; Salim Atay, President of the Office of Human Resources Management under the President of Türkiye; Amirtemirkhon Musayev, First Deputy Director of the Civil Service Development Agency of Uzbekistan; Bahram Khalilov, Deputy Chairman of the State Examination Center of Azerbaijan; Urkhan Alekbarov, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan; Urmat Amanbaev, Vice-Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kyrgyz Republic; and heads of staff from Kazakhstan’s central government bodies.

Chairman Darkhan Zhazykbay emphasized the critical role of human capital in the era of globalization and rapid technological advancement, stressing its pivotal role in national and international competitiveness.

“At the extraordinary summit of OTS, our Head of State highlighted the necessity to elevate political, economic, and cultural cooperation to new heights. Given the Turkic world’s aspirations for enhanced economic, cultural, and social interaction, pragmatic measures in public service personnel policy are particularly vital,” stated Darkhan Zhazykbay.

In Kazakhstan, modernizing the public service system currently prioritizes the adoption of advanced HR tools and the introduction of mechanisms to attract talented youth and private sector specialists. For instance, highly qualified specialists with industry experience are now eligible for direct appointments to senior positions in Corps ‘B’, while top university graduates under government orders fill lower-level posts in district and rural areas. Additionally, provisions have been made to engage industry experts as contract employees for specific projects.

The introduction of the new selection format via the e-Qyzmet system allows Kazakhstani citizens to participate in competitions online, with plans underway to integrate artificial intelligence tools for further enhancing the digital selection process.

Participants commended Kazakhstan’s initiatives to bolster the civil service and shared their respective countries’ experiences in human capital development. Azerbaijan highlighted its use of diverse testing tools for civil service admission, Kyrgyzstan focused on enhancing digital literacy among civil servants, Türkiye emphasized lifelong learning systems, and Uzbekistan underscored modernizing performance assessment mechanisms for civil servants.

In conclusion, participants underscored the significance of such meetings for exchanging best practices and pledged to deepen collaborative efforts in advancing human resource management within public services.


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