
Gasoline prices in Tajikistan hold steady

The average prices for gasoline in Tajikistan during the period from June 5 to June 11 did not change compared to the previous week, according to the World Food Program (WFP), reports.

The average price of gasoline on the retail market in Tajikistan as of June 5 was 9.1 somoni ($0.83) per liter. This is 19 percent lower than the figures recorded in the corresponding period of 2022.

The city of Isfara registered the lowest price for gasoline in the country at 8.4 somoni ($0.77) per liter, which is 3 percent lower compared to the previous week. On an annualized basis, the price has decreased by 23 percent.

The highest price for gasoline was registered in the city of Murgab at 11 somoni ($1.01) per liter. The price remained unchanged from the previous week. Compared to the same date in 2022, it has decreased by 19 percent.

In Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, the price of gasoline remained unchanged from the previous week at 8.6 somoni ($0.79) per liter. Compared to the corresponding data for 2022, it decreased by 20 percent.

The World Food Program, together with the consulting organization Nexigol Mushovir, monitors prices for goods in markets throughout Tajikistan. For each product, several traders are interviewed and average prices are recorded.

The stable gasoline prices in Tajikistan are a sign of the government’s efforts to control inflation. The government has taken a number of measures to keep fuel prices in check, including subsidizing the price of gasoline and imposing a tax on imported fuel.

The stable gasoline prices are also a boon to consumers, who are seeing their purchasing power eroded by rising inflation. The low gasoline prices help to keep transportation costs down, which in turn helps to keep the cost of living in check.

The stable gasoline prices are a positive development for Tajikistan’s economy. They help to keep inflation in check and they help to boost consumer spending. This, in turn, helps to create jobs and boost economic growth.


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