
Flamingos spotted at Sasyk Say evaporation field

A group of flamingos have been spotted at the Sasyk Say evaporation field near the city of Atyrau, Kazakhstan. This is not a common occurrence, as the evaporation field is located near an oil refinery, Turanews.kz reports.

Ornithologists say that the flamingos are likely attracted to the evaporation field because it is a source of food. The evaporation field is home to small crustaceans, which are a natural food source for flamingos.

The appearance of the flamingos is a positive sign for the environment. It suggests that the ecological situation at the evaporation field is improving.

The Sasyk Say evaporation field has been in operation since 1945. It is used to evaporate wastewater from the oil refinery. In recent years, the evaporation field has become polluted, and the flamingos have not been seen there.


The Atyrau city administration and the National Company “KazMunayGas” are implementing an environmental project called “Tazalyq” at the evaporation field. The project aims to improve the ecological situation of Atyrau city and reduce the impact on the environment.

As part of the project, the soil at the evaporation field has been moved, dams have been built, and silt deposits have been collected. More than 355,000 cubic meters of sludge deposits have been removed from the evaporation field and cleaned.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The appearance of the flamingos is a sign that the project is working and that the ecological situation at the evaporation field is improving.


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