
Farewell Ceremony Held for Murat Auezov in Almaty

Almaty hosted a solemn farewell ceremony for the esteemed state and public figure Murat Mukhtaruly Auezov at the Kazakh National Drama Theater named after Mukhtar Auezov. The event drew dignitaries including Sultan Raev, Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture TURKSOY, Aida Balaeva, Minister of Culture and Information, Kazakh deputies, officials, intellectuals, and relatives of Auezov.

During the ceremony, TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev highlighted Auezov’s profound impact on Kazakh culture, civilization, and the broader Turkic world. Raev remarked, “Murat Auezov is a figure who dedicated his life to significant projects aimed at fostering unity and cultural integration among Turkic peoples. His contributions have been invaluable in promoting brotherhood and friendship across the Turkic world.”

The gathering served as a poignant tribute to Auezov’s legacy and his enduring influence on cultural unity and cooperation among Turkic nations.


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