
Electricity consumption in Kyrgyzstan has again reached its highest level

Due to recently sudden drop in air temperature in Kyrgyzstan, yesterday, the highest rate of electricity consumption was registered as 73,852 million kWh, the press service of the National Energy holding of Kyrggyz Republic reports.

According to statement, the last two days, the power system has been operating at its current capacity in the evening hours too which phenomenon is considered very dangerous during the heating season.

As the statement noted, the continued growth of consumption may lead to overloading of the main equipment and emergency shutdown of the electricity supply.

Along with the increase in electricity consumption, the highest rate of water consumption from the Toktogul reservoir was also noted.

The water level is decreasing by 60 million cubic meters every day. At the current level of 10.6 billion cubic meters, the entire volume of water resources will decrease, which may have a negative impact on preparations for the coming autumn-winter season.

The Kyrgyz National Energy Holding once again requests consumers not to use household appliances that require a lot of electricity in the evening (from 18:00 to 21:00) and in the morning (from 7:00 to 10:00) and to switch to alternative sources of heating (gas, coal).



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