
Day of Cooperation of Turkic-Speaking Countries celebrated

Today, October 3, is the Day of Cooperation of Turkic-Speaking Countries, TuraNews.kz reports.

This day commemorates the signing of the Nakhichevan Agreement in 2009 by the presidents of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The agreement established the Turkic Council, an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation among Turkic-speaking countries in a variety of areas, including trade, investment, culture, and education.

The Day of Cooperation of Turkic-Speaking Countries is an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and shared values of the Turkic world. It is also a time to reflect on the progress that has been made in strengthening cooperation between Turkic-speaking countries, and to look forward to the future.

On this Day of Cooperation of Turkic-Speaking Countries, we wish all Turkic-speaking peoples peace, prosperity, and unity.


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