
Countdown begins for Türkiye’s high speed train

Ankara-Sivas Hızlı Tren Hattı'nda sona gelindi. İki il arasında demiryolu ile 12 saat olan seyahat süresini 2 saate indirecek hat, yarın hizmete açılacak.

Türkiye became familiar with high-speed train technology in 2009 with the commissioning of the Ankara-Eskisehir line. This line was later followed by the commissioning of the Ankara-Konya lines in 2011, the Eskisehir-Konya lines in 2013, the Ankara-Istanbul and Konya-Istanbul lines in 2014. Finally, in January 2022, the Konya-Karaman line was put into operation.

Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Adil Karaismailoglu announced that the Ankara-Sivas high-speed train line will be opened on April 26. In fact, TCDD (Turkish State Railways ) CEO Hasan Pezuk, who participated in the test drive, said that since 2003 railways have been treated with a new understanding of public policy, over 370 billion lira ($19 Billion) has been invested in railways in the past 20 years. the share of railways in transport investments exceeded 60 percent.

Noting that important changes have taken place in the economic and social life of cities with the transition to high-speed trains, Peziuk stressed that today, taking into account the Ankara-Sivas high-speed train line, there are 13,896 km of the railway network.

Pezuk emphasized that they have successfully implemented high-speed trains on a total length of 2 kilometers of high-speed train lines and provided 228 million citizens with the opportunity to travel economically, quickly and comfortably, reaching 13 high-speed trains. trains, as the TCDD family expressed their happiness.

TRT Haber


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