
Chinese President Xi Jinping to Visit Tajikistan in July

Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled to visit Tajikistan next month, as reported by Trend citing the Tajik Ministry of Energy and Water Resources.

The announcement came during a meeting between Tajikistan’s Energy Minister Daler Juma and China’s Deputy Minister of Water Resources Zu Leiming, held on the sidelines of the Third High-Level International Conference on the Implementation of the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” in Dushanbe.

The meeting emphasized that Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit aims to bolster cooperation between Tajikistan and China in water and energy sectors. Discussions revolved around the prudent utilization of water resources, collaborative scientific research, advancements in efficient water management, safety of hydraulic structures, and enhancement of irrigated lands reclamation.

Furthermore, the dialogue encompassed strategies to mitigate climate change impacts, joint initiatives for water management projects, mechanisms to secure financing for their execution, and other pertinent matters.

Earlier, Tajikistan’s Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Mukhriddin had indicated the upcoming state visit of the Chinese President in May this year, although specific dates were not disclosed at that time.




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