
Chinese Cars Gain Prominence in Kazakhstan’s Import Market

The influx of Chinese passenger cars into Kazakhstan continues to surge, with recent data indicating a significant rise in imports.

According to Data Hub based on data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 10.1 thousand cars were imported from China in January-February 2024. This figure nearly doubles the amount from the same period in 2023, marking an increase of 4.8 thousand units. 

In total, 20 thousand passenger cars were imported over the two months, with every second car arriving from China.

Despite efforts from other major suppliers, including the USA, Japan, and Korea, to compete, they collectively only accounted for 42% of the market share. Specifically, the USA contributed 19% (3.7 thousand units), Japan 15% (3 thousand units), and Korea 8% (1.6 thousand units).

1Interestingly, while the quantity of car imports from China has substantially increased, the monetary value has not seen a proportional rise. In January-February, $129.5 million was spent, reflecting a 43% increase compared to the previous period, or $39 million. This trend suggests a potential rise in the affordability of Chinese cars, which are already known for their competitive pricing”, says Data Hub.



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