
Bishkek Set to Nearly Triple in Size as Mayor Announces Expansion Plans

The mayor of Bishkek, Aibek Dzhunushaliev, has declared plans to almost triple the territory of the capital, as during a session of Bishkek City Council, reports.

“As per the latest proposal, the area of the capital will be expanded from 12,900 to 37,800 hectares,” stated Mayor Dzhunushaliev.

The expansion initiative involves the inclusion of eight aiyl okmotus and several villages from four rural administrations into the territorial expanse of Bishkek, marking a substantial increase in its geographical footprint.

Mayor Dzhunushaliev further informed that the upcoming expansion is pending the signing of a decree by the president, a step expected to be taken in the near future. This transformative move aims to accommodate the evolving needs and growth of the capital, reflecting a strategic vision for the future development of Bishkek.




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