
Bekmambetov’s animated film “Khodja Nasreddin” will be common production of the Turkic world

Today on December 29 in Bishkek, at the Innovation Center of Kyrgyzpatent, the presentation of the animated film “Khodja Nasreddin” of the famous Kazakh film director Timur Bekmambetov – will be held, the Department of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic reports.

According to the deparment, the production of the film will become a co-production of the studios of the Central Asian countries. In addition, within the framework of the presentation, the creators of the project intend to open an Animation School to train animation personnel.

“The presentation will be held by the producer of the international film company Bazelevs, Igor Khomsky. The meeting will be held with the participation of animators and representatives of animation film studios in Kyrgyzstan,” the report says.

The department also noted that, according to Bazelevs, countries such as Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Tatarstan are currently participating in the project of an animated film about Nasreddin Hodja and the animation school, and other Turkic-speaking countries are also planned to join.

A network of animation studio schools will be opened for the production of the cartoon about Khoja Nasreddin in participated countries.

The animation “Khodja Nasreddin” will be based on the story of Bekmambetov’s puppet show, which premiered in 2021 at the Theater of Nations in Moscow.



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