
Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs conducts operation against Iran’s spy network: 7 people detained

A special operation against Iran’s spy network was conducted in Azerbaijan today, Turanews.kz reports.

According to the information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, “SalamNews” information agency and “Interaz” are among the places where the operation was conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

As a result of special operational measures carried out by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 7 people – A. T. Karimov, E. A. Rahimov, I. A. Alakbarov, M. N. Jafarov, H. H. Jabbarli, F. S. Abdulov and A. A. Jumshudov was arrested as a suspect.

Citizens of Azerbaijan were advised not to travel to Iran unless necessary, and those who did were advised to be very careful.


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