
Azerbaijan’s Bolt Taxi Implements 10% Fare Increase

Baku, Azerbaijan – In a recent development, the Bolt taxi company in Azerbaijan has raised its fares by 10 percent, effective as of yesterday. The fare adjustment applies across all types of orders, as reported by drivers affiliated with Bolt, reports citing Trend Agency.

Transport expert Aslan Asadov provided insights into the situation, stating that companies like Bolt, which offer aggregation services, are primarily driven by the goal of profitability. While acknowledging the positive aspects of foreign taxi companies, such as introducing innovations and technological advantages, Asadov also highlighted the downsides, including driver overwork, the absence of formal employment contracts, and the lack of a complaints bureau.

Asadov emphasized that the fare increase is not linked to improved comfort or quality, noting that taxi companies have not introduced new vehicles into the country. He expressed concern that Bolt’s price hike could set a precedent for other companies to follow suit. However, he also pointed out that there is currently no apparent justification for such increases, and taxi companies should consider maintaining stable prices, given the high demand for their services in the country.




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