
Azerbaijan to Play Active Role in the V World Nomad Games

In a meeting between the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan, Alim Bayel, and the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Farid Gaibov, it was announced that Azerbaijan will actively participate in the upcoming V World Nomad Games.

Scheduled to take place in Astana from September 8 to 14, 2024, the V World Nomad Games will see representatives from numerous countries engaging in competitions across 20 competitive and 10 demonstration sports. The diverse range of activities includes horse racing, national martial arts, traditional intellectual games, archery, national types of bird hunting, and folk games.

Ambassador Alim Bayel highlighted the significance of Azerbaijan’s involvement in this global event and extended a personal invitation to Minister Farid Gaibov to attend. The Ambassador emphasized that the Games, taking place under the auspices of the Kazakh chairmanship in the Organization of Turkic States, will serve to unite the entire Turkic world, promoting the popularization and preservation of unique Turkic traditions.

Minister Farid Gaibov welcomed the invitation and affirmed Azerbaijan’s commitment to actively participating in the World Nomad Games. During the meeting, Minister Gaibov also briefed Ambassador Bayel on the Ministry’s efforts in youth policy and successful sports development projects. He mentioned ongoing initiatives to construct new sports facilities and restore existing ones. The Minister highlighted the active participation of Kazakh athletes in events held in Azerbaijan.

The discussions during the meeting extended to exploring future cooperation prospects between the two countries in the realms of youth policy and sports. Of particular interest was Azerbaijan’s curiosity about Kazakhstan’s experience in winter sports development, including hockey.




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