
Azerbaijan marks Victory Day

Today, Azerbaijan celebrates the Victory Day and the liberation of Shusha, which it won in the Second Karabakh War, on November 8, 2020.

Two years have passed since Azerbaijan’s victory over Armenia in the Second Karabakh War, a parade was held at 3 points in the capital Baku, accompanied by an Azerbaijani military band, within the framework of the celebrations.

While military orchestras accompanied the marches to the parades that started around the Heydar Aliyev Palace, Martyrs’ Lane and Huseyn Javid park, the students of the Azerbaijan Higher Military School named after Heydar Aliyev walked along the route and chanted slogans. Citizens who did not mind the cold and rainy weather watched the parade with interest.

November 8 Victory Day

The “Victory Day” which was previously designated as November 10, it was changed to November 8, the day Shusha was liberated from occupation by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as it coincided with the death day of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who was founder and First President of Republic of Turkey.



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